Friday 15 December 2023

Anouk, A Lavender Mouse


Anouk, named for a variety of lavender, is a tiny mouse with amethyst to her heart and lavender in her stuffing. She has a folk art dress, heavily embroidered to front and around to the back with a daisy, lavender and foliage motif.
I have used lots of french knots, straight stitch, feather stitch and tiny buttons to create her skirt. Her pillow is in complimentary colours with a lilac sash.
The mohair is a Helmbold German Sparse Lavender mohair with tiny purple leather ears and a pink tail peeping out of her drawers. With a hand embroidered face, a deep purple eye and pink nose she is a sweet tubby mohair mouse.
Not often I show a back view but the back is as lovely as the front with two lavender daisies on her bottom!
The skirt is lined with Liberty and she has a Liberty underskirt and tulle lace petticoat leading to stiped grey legs and tiny leather shoes.
She has a gentle face, with a wistful expression, a softness. Her bodice is lined with the Liberty fabric and makes for a pretty edge to her dress.
Well, I am back in the garden this morning. Cutting back and barking up the front beds. It is jolly cold up here but finally stopped raining. Had a lovely evening with Reuba and Mum, gentle chats and lots of tea. She is not wanting to go to far and enjoying her fire. Too sad to decorate this year but lots of lovely Christmas cards and can I say, if anyone from Bent Lane in Leyland reads this, thank you for being so kind and caring to my Mum. So many cards and offers of company, it is really touching xx

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