Friday 27 January 2023

Open Call for Eden Tearoom


Strawberry Embroidery for an Open Call
I am working on commissions, gallery pieces and pieces for Open Calls at the moment. Before returning to work on pieces for the shop. I am loving the embroidery both designing and executing the work. Using a variety of stitches I have enjoyed working these patterns and I will team this embroidery skirt with Berry Garden by Liberty of London. With this series the strawberry motif will be present with all four mice, including a midnight strawberry mouse!The call comes from The Eden Tearoom and Gallery at Newburgh in Lancashire. A former site of a strawberry farm, their Open Call asks for submissions around that theme. This is a selling exhibition at a lovely gallery and tea room with a good eye and quality work. For anyone in northern England interested the deadline for submission is 2nd of March and you contact

Friday 20 January 2023

Tor, A Gentleman Bunny in a Wool Jacket


This is Tor in his smart lined wool jacket for winter. I would love you all to tell me what you think. Creating the pattern took some serious rethinking and several attempts. Originally he had a hood and it looked incongrous with his plus fours. The wool scarf created far too much bulk around his head and neck so I opted for a delicate silk ribbon. I am rather smitten with his little jacket, the pattern is now managable and is not foo bulky even though it is lined. I am enjoying all the details, buttons to his cuffs and little shirt sleeves peeping out of his jacket. He seems like a very chilled out chap!

Friday 13 January 2023

Sigrid, A Winter Bunny


This is Sigrid, my first doll of 2023. She had to be a rabbit for this Year of the Rabbit and wrapped in a warm wool cape. Her face is hand painted and then hand embroidered, her huge nose is all french knots. She has citrine to her heart for winter warmth and my own chamomile in her stuffing with a touch of Roman Chamomile essential oil for a gentle scent.
The fabric is part of my Christmas present and is from the Changing Seasons collection - rich browns and cool blues referencing the cool colours of winter in January. Lovely to start the new year with a winter bunny xx

Friday 6 January 2023

The Year of the Rabbit


I am sharing a collection of bunnies gone by to celebrate The Year of the Rabbit. A rabbit year is for families, strengthening bonds and making new friends. These are some of the first of this style of bunny I made, some for the shop and some as commissions. I loved making each one and enjoy seeing how the pattern has changed as I develop them.
Connie was the first, then Maple with Merlin and Autum coming later. I am working on winter rabbits at the moment but the weather has been so awful I have been unable to take any photographs this week, so dark and wet. It was a joy to make each one and lovely to look back xx