Her dress, underskirt and knickers are Tilda cotton lawn and she has a net underskirt for lift. The net or tulle is very slippery but does lift the skirt nicely. She still has her stripy legs and scarf but I have added lace and ribbon detail to her dress. I found the tinniest little buttons to complement the addition, they really are the smallest buttons I have ever seen at only 4mm. Her dress also has a frill to the bottom, which I am unsure of and I added a tiny piece of vintage lace as a pinny.
The vintage lace came from our local vintage fair at Cedar Farm Gallery in Mawdesly on every second Sunday of the month. The lady selling told me it was Edwardian and hand made, it certainly is very pretty and I have horded it for months. Sometimes you just have to cut into something and use it or it will stay in your stash for years. Well I was brave and now Gladys has an apron. I hope you like her, let me know about the frill!

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