The more I watched the humble female chaffinch the more I liked her spirit and watching her stake her claim to sunflower seeds on a frosty winter morning I decided I would like to make her in soft winter blues. The fabric of her dress is the evocative Tilda 'Bird Mist', it truly is a lovely colour and teamed well with other fabrics in my stash. As always she is tiny for one of my dolls only nine and half inches tall. Her plumage is embroidered in fawn, greys and creams - when you really look at a lady chaffinch she may not be as colourful as Mr Chaffinch but her colouring is very delicate and pretty. I used couching, random cross stitch and fern stitch, which make lovely feather patterns. She even sports a vintage broderie anglais underskirt and pretty organza ribbon to finish her look. Her wings are also embroidered and dressed to coordinate with her feathery face.
I am really pleased to share her with you and I do hope you like her, I think she is sweet girl. Well up here in the north spring is starting to show its face, we have been having some sharp sunny days and they are much appreciated. Our snowdrops have been out in force for a couple of weeks and the daffodils are coming along nicely. Its a blessed relief from all this rain. So we'll keep smiling but not put the brollies away yet!

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