I was recently asked about my inspiration for these bird doll and it comes straight from my childhood. I was always a huge fan of Beatrix Potter and I still am. Also the books of Racey Helps published by the Medici Society where huge influences. I love the idea of anthropomorphous animals and especially birds. I grew up in the Lancashire countryside and was surrounded with all kinds of wild animals. This led to a lifelong fascination with natural history. The birds are just a natural extension my love of dolls and the natural world.
Morag is, as I stated, a crested tit and I have been privileged to see these delightful little birds on several occasions always in Scotland and always around pine and fir trees. They are plucky little characters braving the worst of the weather, constantly on the move and very aware of their environment. This little character is ten inches tall and is made to my own pattern. The detailed embroidery on the head uses chain stitch, fly stitch, random cross stitch and feather stitch to define detail. Her head pattern and wing patterns are stencilled using weak acrylic paint and give a good outline on which to work the embroidery. She has a coordinating knickers and underskirt, a little net underskirt, stripy legs and little leather shoes all working together with the specially selected dress fabric.

I chose the fabric, a detail shown below, because I felt it both reflected the colours of the crested tit and featured both her predators and prey. Moths,butterflies and owls, I though it worked anyhow. Her dress sports ribbon bow detail to the front and bow and button detail to the back. Her wings are hand printed and decorated with coordinated lace and embroidery. Again she looks better in the flesh than my rather ropey photography, Becca always does a much better job but she is so busy writing at the moment I couldn't disturb her. I have made so many robin dolls for customers that at some point I will do one for stock and share her here. I am playing with felt at the moment and will share as soon as I have something I like. I hope you like Morag and if you want more crested tits I have a Pinterest page with lots of excellent photos and wonderful crested tit art work by some great artists.
I am very fond of her and would love any of your comments. My warmest wishes on the run up to Christmas.
Moda A Field Guide Fabric |
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