‘This male figure is sculpted from mammoth ivory and was
found with a burial in Brno in the Czech Republic. The grave was isolated from
the big encampments in the area and contained the skeleton of a man who had
died aged around 40 years old. The head and arms fitted onto the body on pegs
so that they could be moved into different positions, as on a doll or puppet.’
Taken from the British Museum Website
This little figure is over 20,000 years old and I don't know that it is a doll or what its use was but it was very special to someone and must of had a truly unique significance. They have found egyptian cloth dolls and roman wooden dolls that acted a mannequins for wealthy ladies to try out their fashions and I have even heard of pottery dolls given to roman little girls but this little man was probably one of the first. You cannot help wondering what was in the mind of the maker.
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