I have had such a busy summer, lots of lovely trips out in July and some serious hard work in August. Lots and lots of lovely commissions, mostly for weddings but also some interesting ideas customers wanted. Its been good, hard work but enjoyable. I've had a few days to myself and to look around and our leaves are starting to change, the horse chestnut leaves have gone, the acers are going and the beech are starting to go. We have had a nip of frost that has touched the geraniums and our glorious summer looks like it will be a lovely autumn. This little piece of machine work was inspired by the delightful painting by Gustav Klimt of a grove of silver birch trees in all their autumn glory. It is worked on a piece of wonderfully rich orange cotton velvet, machined, appliqued with fabric, silk, satin & synthetics, cut into tiny pieces, all in tonal colours and finally using romeo water soluble to create an edge of swirls and circles. I have used a lighter to burn into the velvet to create a loose pattern of holes. Here it is simply laid on a piece of black cotton velvet. Well, looking forward to a colourful autumn I am going to start work on some dolls for the shop and hopefully on a series of fairy tale girls, using the Rhoda doll pattern. I have had a lovely few days working on an autumnal girl as a 21st birthday gift for a young lady in October and the customer has asked if I could make a birthday card to accompany the doll. This is a first for me and such a great idea, that it has set me off rumaging in my stash and in my daughter's card stash. I does you good to have a change, gets the creative juices flowing!